Exit Show Collection

This is Elena Godiers’ first independent collection of woven samples ranging in size and material. During her internship at the Drapery Room in Atlanta, she was able to take home unused drapery fabric that would otherwise be discarded. In this collection of 24 samples, she aims to transform these fabrics into new woven art pieces, far removed from the luxury brands they came from. She uses a plain-weave technique and varying sized yarn to produce a chunky, thick cloth that highlights the woven structure. The edges are rough and unedited, creating an imperfect effect that showcases the hand-made aspect of samples. Her woven works focus on texture, scale, and the effect each individual piece has on the entire collection. It is meant to be seen as a whole -layered and overwhelming- but also draws the viewer in; to specific details that can only be appreciated up-close. She uses neutral colors and cool tones to create a timeless, natural environment that compliments the abundance of texture and pattern. Her colors are inspired by utility fabrics, such as denim and leather, to produce a worn and durable effect. Her ability to create and manipulate fabric is showcased in this series of textured samples. This collection was designed for and showcased at the Lamar Dodd School of Art BFA Exit Show in April 2022.